Hello fellow shooters. 2022 is gone so it is time to renew your membership for 2023. Dues will remain $30. again for this year but be prepared to pay a little more next year. Because of the COVID-19 we were unable to rent the building for weddings & reunions and whatever so the club took a hit in that respect. But because of COVID-19 the membership was up about 25%. That helped make-up some of the difference. So for now the club is good money wise. We aren't out to make money, just pay the bills.
Where does your money go? Land & school taxes are about $4200. , insurance is about $1600. and utilities are about $1800. So it takes about $7600. just to keep the club open. One thing that has never happened is the club has never refused a donation. Not required but helps.
Last year, 2022, the Fishing Derby for Kids was cancelled because of COVID-19. Who knows how things will be this year. Last year some members sent-in extra
money for the derby. Since we didn't use that money it was set aside for this year if it happens. As of now it is in the plans.
The range was kept up the best we could. It is good to see that each year more & more members are helping to keep the place picked up. This is your range
so we should all take pride in it. This also means that since it is your range we should all keep an eye on other members using the range. In 2022 most everyone was
buying firearms, many who had never shot a gun before. They had no training on the use of a shot gun or whatever. They needed help. If you see this situation or
something else that falls into this description don't be afraid to offer your help. I know that I had several phone calls last summer about unsafe activity on the range.
It doesn't have to be me to correct the problem, anyone can help them and they will thank them.
Once again, when the club house is rented the range will be closed. Those days will be posted on this web page. Some days when it is rented the activities
don't start until the afternoon so if you drive in and no one is around it is ok to shoot. If there are several people in the club house, if you ask them they may say that it is ok to shoot, or they may say no. Just ask!! If there are days in question you can call me.
That's about it for now. I will update this page when needed. Have a safe year and will see you on the range.
One other thing, the Barney Barnhart Fishing Derby is on hold for now, so lets see how things work out with COVID-19.